This is the second part of our “PPE Buying Decision” discussion. In the first part, in our prior post, we talked about the PPE Buying Decision being a contributor to injuries and injury costs because if not done properly and carefully, it can result in inadequate and inappropriate PPE being issued to the work force. We also talked about the OSHA PPE buying decision guidelines that are not well known and not usually followed.
Today’s post continues that discussion with a look at the complexity of a PPE buying decision, the consequences of failure to give it the time and attention it needs, and the benefits for both users and sellers of PPE in altering and improving the decision making process.
A recent study shows that there are basically 3 types of buying decisions made for MRO products which PPE falls under:
A straight rebuy is when a purchase order is issued for the exact same thing that was ordered before. A modified rebuy is when there is at least a perfunctory look at what else is available but then the same product is purchased for the same reasons it was originally. A clean slate is when an exhaustive search of everything that is available is undertaken, new choice criteria are developed, and the best product for the application is selected and purchased.
The OSHA Guidelines require a “Clean Slate” process for every PPE buying decision, but as the pie chart shows, that occurs just 22% of the time. The other 78% of the time, PPE buying decisions makers could be putting their work forces at risk and could be costing their employers money in terms of higher injury costs by buying inadequate or inappropriate PPE.
Why do they use a straight or modified rebuy? It is easy, it is quick, they do not have enough information to justify changing, and they think they limit their personal risk by using what they always used. They are also very busy people, with numerous priorities and they do not see the connection between the PPE they buy, injury costs and the company’s bottom line.
Many PPE buying decision makers engage in a practice we call the “High Cost of Being Average”. That involves looking at their injury frequency and severity rates and if they are in line with the national aggregate rates published by several organizations, and they have not gone up since the last time PPE was purchased, they use that as justification for a rebuy of what they are using. That can be a very costly decision.
Statistics show that Lost Time Injuries occur at the rate of about 4(rounded) per 100 full time employees. The full cost (direct and indirect) of a lost time injury is approaching $50,000. So the “average” company experiences $200,000 of injury expense for each 100 employees they have. That cost comes right off of the bottom line. But as long as the companies injury experience is no worse than the “average”, buying decision makers think they are doing OK and should keep on doing what they have been doing.
This is where sellers of PPE can and should make a difference. It is their responsibility to inform and educate prospects and customers that all PPE is not alike; there are significant differences in design, quality and performance among brands; and the choice criteria for selecting a brand should involve much more than just the purchase price. The biggest problem a PPE sales person has is not their competition; it is customer inertia, customer satisfaction with the status quo. The 78% of customers who opt for a “rebuy” is proof of that.
To overcome the inertia, a sales person must show that they offer something different, and the differences are of value in terms of IMPROVING injury frequency, severity, and cost, rather than just settling for being average. It is the sales person who must introduce the “clean slate” process and walk a customer through it.
In a rebuy situation, purchasing often acts as a gatekeeper to keep sales people from the buying decision maker and influencers throughout the organization. But starting with a clean slate, it is important for the sales person to get to, educate and inform everyone within the organization who is affected by a PPE buying decision. It begins with the responsible safety official who they must show that their product performs better than what is being used and is more appropriate for the hazards of the job. It moves to production officials who must be made aware that the products being evaluated will not hinder production or be so uncomfortable they lead to time away from the job. It includes Human Resources who must be convinced that the training required by OSHA is available. And it concludes with the wearer who must be made to feel comfortable, protected and productive while wearing the equipment.
Moving through that process will develop new and better choice criteria which will result in a much better PPE buying decision that complies with the OSHA Guidelines. In addition, it eliminates the buying decision as a “human error or system failure” that might have contributed to the cost of an injury.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Each year industry spends almost $4 billion dollars on personal protective equipment yet it still experiences injuries at a cost of about $127 billion dollars. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics more than 60% of those injured were wearing PPE which shows that simply wearing some type of PPE on the job is no guarantee a worker won't be injured.
What is wrong with this picture? Why are employers spending 4 billion dollars a year on PPE that turns out to be ineffective against the hazards of the work place or so uncomfortable workers refuse to wear it? A noted safety consultant believes that accidents and injuries are caused by two things:
1. Human error.
2. Management system defect.
When an injury occurs, the behavior of the injured worker is investigated to see if an error was made. Frequently, safety management systems are examined for defects but the focus is usually on a defect in safety enforcement. Seldom, if ever, is the PPE buying decision examined to determine why ineffective or inappropriate PPE was purchased and supplied to the workforce.
When we talk about the buying decision we are not talking about a decision to place a purchase order. We are referring to the decision to provide specific products to protect against the hazards of a particular job. At the root of the PPE buying decision problem is the widely held belief that PPE is a commodity and a regulatory expense that should be minimized. With that mind set there is little incentive to spend any time, effort or money to try to make a better buying decision.
But the truth of the matter is there are significant performance differences based on PPE design, material, and workmanship. For any particular job environment and hazards there is a specific style, brand and model of protective device that is more effective and more appropriate than any other. Safety officials and PPE buying decision makers have a responsibility to determine what that is.
Unfortunately, when faced with the problems of a downsized staff, budget restrictions and a whole host of seemingly more pressing problems, safety officials often opt for a straight rebuy of whatever PPE is being used with little or no thought about seeing if there is something better available. Or, they look for something similar at a lower price in a misguided attempt to comply with cost reduction initiatives by trying to lower the purchase price of PPE instead of the costs of injuries, downtime, insurance premiums and OSHA violations. Both of these options increase the risk of injury to their workforce.
OSHA acknowledged that there was a buying decision problem when they revised the PPE regulation in 1994. The revised rule still requires an employer to provide PPE whenever necessary to mitigate the risk of an injury on the job. But for the first time, based on the BLS findings, it called for a structured buying decision process in the general requirements section of 2 9 CFR 1910.132 in a sub paragraph called "hazard assessment and selection". Appendix B of the revised regulation provides guidelines for the buying decision process. OSHA estimates that 90% of injuries can be eliminated if the PPE guidelines are followed. A link to the OSHA buying decision guidelines is below:
Appendix B clearly demonstrates that OSHA does not consider PPE a commodity that should be purchased on price. In fact it says "select the protective equipment which ensures a level of protection greater than the minimum required to protect employees from the hazards" A small percentage of employer's use the PPE selection guidelines to upgrade their programs and the results are striking. But the vast majority of employers are either not aware of the assessment and selection provisions of the standard or choose to ignore them. We suggest that is a "mangement system error" that is as responsible for injuries as anything an employee does and should be investigated with the same vigor.
Appendix B, of the OSHA PPE rule also asks safety officials to use "common sense and expertise" when selecting PPE. While most safety officials have plenty of common sense, there is an alarming lack of PPE expertise even at larger companies with well-staffed safety departments. Lacking the in depth knowledge to make a proper determination of exactly what PPE should be used and why, safety officials continue to buy and supply the wrong PPE for the wrong reasons. That is where distributor and PPE manufacturer Sales Professionals can help by raising their level of knowledge to the point where they can make the quality of buying decision OSHA envisions and their employees deserve. Instead of "pushing sales", help customers make a better buying decision and sales will follow.
An improved PPE buying decision can reduce injury frequency by increasing the likelihood that the most effective and appropriate PPE is selected for the job. It can also help reduce cost by mitigating injury severity. Top quality PPE, carefully selected and properly used can contribute to cost reduction on a scale with any other cost reduction program.
What is wrong with this picture? Why are employers spending 4 billion dollars a year on PPE that turns out to be ineffective against the hazards of the work place or so uncomfortable workers refuse to wear it? A noted safety consultant believes that accidents and injuries are caused by two things:
1. Human error.
2. Management system defect.
When an injury occurs, the behavior of the injured worker is investigated to see if an error was made. Frequently, safety management systems are examined for defects but the focus is usually on a defect in safety enforcement. Seldom, if ever, is the PPE buying decision examined to determine why ineffective or inappropriate PPE was purchased and supplied to the workforce.
When we talk about the buying decision we are not talking about a decision to place a purchase order. We are referring to the decision to provide specific products to protect against the hazards of a particular job. At the root of the PPE buying decision problem is the widely held belief that PPE is a commodity and a regulatory expense that should be minimized. With that mind set there is little incentive to spend any time, effort or money to try to make a better buying decision.
But the truth of the matter is there are significant performance differences based on PPE design, material, and workmanship. For any particular job environment and hazards there is a specific style, brand and model of protective device that is more effective and more appropriate than any other. Safety officials and PPE buying decision makers have a responsibility to determine what that is.
Unfortunately, when faced with the problems of a downsized staff, budget restrictions and a whole host of seemingly more pressing problems, safety officials often opt for a straight rebuy of whatever PPE is being used with little or no thought about seeing if there is something better available. Or, they look for something similar at a lower price in a misguided attempt to comply with cost reduction initiatives by trying to lower the purchase price of PPE instead of the costs of injuries, downtime, insurance premiums and OSHA violations. Both of these options increase the risk of injury to their workforce.
OSHA acknowledged that there was a buying decision problem when they revised the PPE regulation in 1994. The revised rule still requires an employer to provide PPE whenever necessary to mitigate the risk of an injury on the job. But for the first time, based on the BLS findings, it called for a structured buying decision process in the general requirements section of 2 9 CFR 1910.132 in a sub paragraph called "hazard assessment and selection". Appendix B of the revised regulation provides guidelines for the buying decision process. OSHA estimates that 90% of injuries can be eliminated if the PPE guidelines are followed. A link to the OSHA buying decision guidelines is below:
Appendix B clearly demonstrates that OSHA does not consider PPE a commodity that should be purchased on price. In fact it says "select the protective equipment which ensures a level of protection greater than the minimum required to protect employees from the hazards" A small percentage of employer's use the PPE selection guidelines to upgrade their programs and the results are striking. But the vast majority of employers are either not aware of the assessment and selection provisions of the standard or choose to ignore them. We suggest that is a "mangement system error" that is as responsible for injuries as anything an employee does and should be investigated with the same vigor.
Appendix B, of the OSHA PPE rule also asks safety officials to use "common sense and expertise" when selecting PPE. While most safety officials have plenty of common sense, there is an alarming lack of PPE expertise even at larger companies with well-staffed safety departments. Lacking the in depth knowledge to make a proper determination of exactly what PPE should be used and why, safety officials continue to buy and supply the wrong PPE for the wrong reasons. That is where distributor and PPE manufacturer Sales Professionals can help by raising their level of knowledge to the point where they can make the quality of buying decision OSHA envisions and their employees deserve. Instead of "pushing sales", help customers make a better buying decision and sales will follow.
An improved PPE buying decision can reduce injury frequency by increasing the likelihood that the most effective and appropriate PPE is selected for the job. It can also help reduce cost by mitigating injury severity. Top quality PPE, carefully selected and properly used can contribute to cost reduction on a scale with any other cost reduction program.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Although it is still warm in many parts of the country, now is the time to start thinking about and planning for the hazards of cold weather and the PPE needed to protect from them.
Outdoor workers are exposed to the hazards of cold weather. Prolonged exposure can result in serious health problems such as frostbite and hypothermia. The cold is also a leading cause of downtime and lost productivity
There is no exact temperature where the environment becomes hazardous. It does not have to be below freezing for frostbite or hypothermia to occur. A variety of factors, including wind, dampness and cold water, contribute to unbearable cold conditions.
Hypothermia occurs when the body looses heat faster than it is produced and body temperature drops below 95 degrees Fahrenheit. The first sign is pronounced shivering, followed by feeling tired and drowsy. Irritability and confusion can set-in along with a loss of coordination. If untreated, hypothermia may progress to slurred speech, irrational behavior, unconsciousness and ultimately heart failure. If any of these symptoms are observed, seek professional medical attention immediately. In the meantime, move the person to a warm dry area; remove any wet clothing; wrap in blankets; provide a warm, sweet-tasting beverage (no alcohol or caffeine); and gently move arms and legs to restimulate circulation.
A primary cause of hypothermia is wind chill. The combination of low temperature and wind velocity carries heat away from the body more quickly. For example, when the air temperature is 40 (F) degrees and the wind velocity is 35 mph, it is equivalent to a still air temperature of 11 (F). Wind chill is usually expressed in the form of an index. (For a wind chill index chart, visit the National weather service at
Frostbite is the freezing of deep skin tissue layers that leads to whitening, hardening and numbing of exposed skin. It usually affects the fingers, hands, toes, feet, ears and nose. If symptoms of frostbite are present, seek professional medical attention. Move the person to a warm dry area. Loosen or remove tight clothing that might restrict blood flow. Place the person in lukewarm (not warm or hot) water for 25 to 40 minutes to gradually warm affected tissue. Cover the area with dry, sterile gauze or bandages. Do not massage the area because it may cause greater injury.
There are also hidden cold symptoms such as disorientation, carelessness, slowed reaction time, reduced energy and difficulty concentrating that increase the risk of an accident. People who take certain types of medication and those with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension or cardiovascular disease face increased risk from the cold.
There is no specific standard for protection from cold working environments. OSHA recommends engineering controls and safe working practices and requires the provision of appropriate PPE whenever employees are exposed to hazardous cold working conditions.
Engineering controls begin with trying to shield the work area from windy conditions. The site should contain a source of heat such as air jets or radiant heaters and there should be a heated shelter where employees can take breaks to warm-up. Equipment handles should be covered with thermal insulating materials.
Safe work practices include allowing a period of adjustment by scheduling small interval exposure until workers become acclimated. Try to schedule work for the warmest time of the day if possible. Allow employees to set their own work pace to avoid fatigue or exhaustion. Never allow a worker to work alone so that someone can call for help if needed.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for cold environments begins with layered clothing. The concept of layering came from skiing and mountain climbing clothing technology. But the Safety and Medical officials working on the Alaska pipeline more than two decades ago developed the practical application of the concept.
Cold weather layering is based on the use of three layers. The first (inner) layer should be cotton or synthetic weave to wick perspiration away from the body. The second (middle) layer should be wool or synthetic fabric to absorb sweat and retain as much body heat as possible. The third (outer) layer should be something like Gore-Tex or nylon to shield the wind and allow some ventilation. Workers do not have to wear all of the layers all of the time but they should have them handy in case the temperature fluctuates. The goal is to keep warm enough to be safe but cool enough so you do not perspire excessively.
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Extended Winter Liner Sherpa lined |
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Neck Warmer with heating channel |
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Hot Hands Brand Heating Packet |
Workers must be trained to recognize hazardous cold conditions. They must be made aware and continually reminded of cold weather safe working conditions and the PPE needed to protect them. With the right training, good engineering controls, specific safe work practices and top quality, state-of-the-art PPE, out door, cold weather work sites can be safe and productive. For more in-depth information of the hazards of cold temperature extremes and the PPE to protect from it click on the link below.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Today, there are two types of filter lenses: passive and auto darkening. Space does not allow a full scale analysis of auto darkening filter lenses (ADF) in a blog format but we will detail the main points. A welder needs to do some prep and positioning work before welding, and some weld cleaning after the weld. With a passive filter lens, he needs to push his welding helmet up into a rest position so he can see to perform those tasks.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics disclosed that 67% of welding and cutting injuries are face and eye injuries. Most of those injuries occurred when welders had their helmets in an up position between welds and were injured by others welding, chipping or grinding in the area. OSHA estimates that up to 90% of those injuries could be eliminated if welders wore their helmets in the down, protective position all shift long. The only way that is possible is with the use of an ADF.
An ADF uses complex electronics and LCD’s to automatically adjust the filter shade to the various stages in the welding process. When the lens is not activated, it usually is a shade 3 or 4 which are relatively easy to see through, similar to sunglasses. A welder can see to do his prep work and position his MIG gun, TIG torch or stick electrode.
When an arc is struck, light sensors mounted near the lens detect it and simultaneously darken the filter lens to its welding shade 10, 11, 12 or 13 in a fraction of a second. When the arc is extinguished, the lens automatically reverts to its shade 3 or 4 inactive shade so the welder can see to clean the weld without having to lift his helmet. Protection from ultra-violet radiation (UV) and infrared radiation (IR) is continuous, whether the ADF is in the light or the dark state.
Because an ADF equipped helmet always stays in its protective position, another safety related benefit is the fact that it does not have to be “nodded down” before each weld. That eliminates a leading cause of repetitive motion injuries to the neck and back of welders. That not only reduces the cost of injuries, it also contributes to lowering workers comp premiums and costs.
When face and eye injuries and the strains, sprains and muscle fatigue caused by the repetitive nodding motion are eliminated, the quality of work life is enhanced and moral improves as welders enjoy rising expectations that welding does not have to result in daily aches and pains.
Beyond an ADF helmets basic protective function is its contribution to productivity. It is well documented that a reasonably comfortable, well protected welder will stay on the job longer, concentrate better, and produce more welds with fewer rejects, rework and delays. When an ADF is selected carefully, and used properly in an appropriate application, productivity gains from 30% to 50% are common.
But how do you carefully select an ADF welding helmet? The Fibre-Metal Products Company introduced ADF’s to the domestic market more than 20 years ago when it partnered with Hornell Speedglass of Sweden, the founder and pioneer of the ADF, to incorporate its highly successful European ADF technology in lenses specifically designed for Fibre-Metal brand helmets. Today there are many competitors with a bewildering array of models and price points. Because most of them could not improve on the original technology, they sought market entry with faster “switching speeds”, gadgets and gimmicks and lower selling prices.
As with any other PPE, do your homework in the selection process. Look at different brands and different technologies. Ask lots of questions. Most importantly, ask for samples or “loaners” to try on your job under your working conditions. Many of the inferior brands cite impress performance statistics achieved in a test lab. But they don’t hold up in a harsh welding environment. When evaluating an ADF equipped welding helmet there are some things to consider. There are 3 basic performance characteristics that determine the performance quality of an ADF lens. Anything else is superfluous:
1. Optical quality
2. Switching speed
3. Electronic reliability
Many suppliers have tried to establish switching speed, the amount of time it takes the lens to switch from its light to dark shade, as the most important performance characteristic because that is all they have to offer. The reality is most, if not all ADF’s that meet current standards, switch many times faster than International Standards require. Moreover ADF’s switch too fast for the human eye to see. If you watched 3 brands switch from light to dark you could not tell which one switched faster. And switching from light to dark occurs before welding begins, so what real affect could it have on a welders performance?
You must always consider switching speed in conjunction with switching reliability. The electronic packages utilized to maximize switching speed make those types of ADF’s very unstable. It is important for the lens to switch to its dark shade only in response to a welding arc. Top quality ADF’s use an “intelligent” technology that allows the lens to ignore other light sources and only recognize a welding arc. The high switching speed technology is so sensitive, it results in “nervous” or “trigger happy” lenses that often react to over-head lights, sunlight, other welder’s arcs and switch at inappropriate times.
Optical quality is by far the most important performance characteristic for an ADF lens. A welder must look through his ADF all day long. The optical quality determines his ability to see his work clearly in all stages of the welding process. The top quality brands of ADF’s have superior optical quality that is easy to see while testing a lens. Just as the inferior technology, built for switching speed, is unstable, it also has numerous optical quality problems.
Almost all of the brands that focus on high switching speed technology suffer from “flickering” and “fluttering”. Flickering looks like wavy lines similar to interference in a TV or bad tracking in your VCR. Fluttering is continual and unpredictable switching back and forth from light to dark. Both conditions are very distracting to a welder and result in downtime to try to remedy the condition. These flaws are very obvious during on the job evaluations.
Other optical flaws present in nearly all inferior ADF technologies are mottling (measles like spots when first turned on); tracers (impressions of sparks); shadows (like ghosts on a TV). They cause a great deal of annoyance, discomfort and downtime for a welder. Again these flaws will be very obvious during testing and evaluation. In fact, one ADF supplier provided an instruction that if when you turned the lens on it had a mottled appearance, turn it off and wait a half hour. Built in downtime.
All brands of ADF’s have an optical flaw, called angle dependency, in varying degrees. It usually manifests as light spots in the corners of the lens when viewed from an angle. Recently the Fibre-Metal by Honeywell brand of ADF has introduced an upgraded technology that virtually eliminates the problem with angle dependency no matter the viewing angle.
Only consider ADF helmet brands that come from the factory fully assembled. You do not want to have to spend the time or assume the responsibility for proper assembly. ADF’s are either battery or solar powered. The solar powered lenses draw their energy from the arc. Both power sources work fine but the advantage of the solar powered lenses is that you do not have to replace batteries. ADF’s come in a fixed lens shade, or with the ability to select one of multiple shades. If a welder is a production welder, who uses the same process to weld the same materials, a fixed shade is the proper choice. But if a welder works on various materials, using different processes in the course of his work, the ability to change lens shades without having to change lenses is a huge productivity gain and a selectable shade model is the right one.
Only consider ADF equipped helmets that have all controls inside of the helmet. Many of the low price, low technology brands mount some of the functional controls on the outside of the helmet where they are exposed to harmful sparks and spatter. It only takes a small amount of spatter in a control to render the ADF useless.
The number of light sensors is something that is frequently debated. The notion that “more is better” is a myth. The reality is the number of sensors is electronic technology dependant. If the technology is such that all it needs is one sensor to function, that is fine. If the technology is such that it needs 4 sensors to function, that is fine also. On the job performance is what is important. Not the number of light sensors.
There is value in simplicity. Look for a simple, but functional ADF design with user friendly controls. A light sensitivity control is necessary to adjust for the sensitivity to other sources of light in the work area and a dark to light delay control is useful for some materials and high amperage applications where the weld puddle is still very bright after the welding arc has ceased and for situations where the filter sensors may be temporarily blocked from seeing the welding arc.
Beyond that, additional features are superfluous, a drain on the electronics package and something else to break down. Make sure any ADF’s you consider will be able to function across a wide range of welding applications and processes and can detect low amp TIG arcs. Be leery of any application limitations such as “cannot be used for overhead welding”
A problem with ADF’s is that many are installed in cheap, inferior welding helmets to try to keep the purchase price down. They use things like attractive graphics to mask tissue thin shells made from ordinary materials. But the function of an ADF requires a high quality, robust helmet made from a high performance material. Because an ADF equipped helmet stays in the down position longer, buying decision makers must consider a number of factors. The welding helmet must be sturdy enough to withstand the extra burden put upon it by increased exposure to heat, sparks and spatter for an extended period of time.
The headgear must be capable of anchoring, balancing, and stabilizing the added weight of the ADF in the front of the helmet. The headgears overhead band and position stop adjustments must allow a welder to properly align the ADF with his field of vision to minimize awkward or uncomfortable working positions in order to see through the lens.
Because the helmet remains down longer, smoke and fumes can accumulate within the shell. The helmet design should allow sufficient air circulation to move them out of the welders face. If the air circulation is not sufficient or hazardous fumes are present, the helmet must comfortably accommodate a respirator with appropriate filter. OSHA requires that a welder wear protective spectacles at all times. The helmet design must not interfere with the use of primary eye protection.
The two ADF manufacturers with the highest quality ADF technology are Balder and 3M SPEEDGLASS. Between them they are responsible for most technical advances in ADF design and performance. But because they are primarily lens manufacturers, their welding helmets leave a lot to be desired. However, both produce ADF lenses for top quality Fibre-Metal by Honeywell brand helmets. And that combination of ADF and helmet quality and performance is the one all other ADF equipped welding helmets are compared with and measured by.
So when someone tries to sell you an ADF equipped helmet based on low selling price, high switching speed and graphics, tell them you are more interested in optical quality, electronics reliability and improved productivity.
Look at everything that is available. Use the information in this post as your guide. Try any ADF equipped helmet you are considering on your job, under your working conditions. Compare brands. If you can find a better helmet than the ones we ranked as tops, buy it. An ADF equipped welding helmet is a significant investment. But the ROI in terms of lower injury and insurance costs, increased productivity, enhanced quality of welder work life and improved profitability is real and immediate. In most situations, a company pays off the initial investment in a matter of weeks while the value of the benefits goes on throughout the service life of the helmet.
Make sure any ADF and helmet considered meets current ANSI or appropriate International standards. Selection should be made by or in consultation with a designated Safety official and welding supervisor. Read and follow all instructions and heed all warnings that come with the ADF helmet. Failure to do so could result in serious injury.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics disclosed that 67% of welding and cutting injuries are face and eye injuries. Most of those injuries occurred when welders had their helmets in an up position between welds and were injured by others welding, chipping or grinding in the area. OSHA estimates that up to 90% of those injuries could be eliminated if welders wore their helmets in the down, protective position all shift long. The only way that is possible is with the use of an ADF.
An ADF uses complex electronics and LCD’s to automatically adjust the filter shade to the various stages in the welding process. When the lens is not activated, it usually is a shade 3 or 4 which are relatively easy to see through, similar to sunglasses. A welder can see to do his prep work and position his MIG gun, TIG torch or stick electrode.
When an arc is struck, light sensors mounted near the lens detect it and simultaneously darken the filter lens to its welding shade 10, 11, 12 or 13 in a fraction of a second. When the arc is extinguished, the lens automatically reverts to its shade 3 or 4 inactive shade so the welder can see to clean the weld without having to lift his helmet. Protection from ultra-violet radiation (UV) and infrared radiation (IR) is continuous, whether the ADF is in the light or the dark state.
Because an ADF equipped helmet always stays in its protective position, another safety related benefit is the fact that it does not have to be “nodded down” before each weld. That eliminates a leading cause of repetitive motion injuries to the neck and back of welders. That not only reduces the cost of injuries, it also contributes to lowering workers comp premiums and costs.
When face and eye injuries and the strains, sprains and muscle fatigue caused by the repetitive nodding motion are eliminated, the quality of work life is enhanced and moral improves as welders enjoy rising expectations that welding does not have to result in daily aches and pains.
Beyond an ADF helmets basic protective function is its contribution to productivity. It is well documented that a reasonably comfortable, well protected welder will stay on the job longer, concentrate better, and produce more welds with fewer rejects, rework and delays. When an ADF is selected carefully, and used properly in an appropriate application, productivity gains from 30% to 50% are common.
But how do you carefully select an ADF welding helmet? The Fibre-Metal Products Company introduced ADF’s to the domestic market more than 20 years ago when it partnered with Hornell Speedglass of Sweden, the founder and pioneer of the ADF, to incorporate its highly successful European ADF technology in lenses specifically designed for Fibre-Metal brand helmets. Today there are many competitors with a bewildering array of models and price points. Because most of them could not improve on the original technology, they sought market entry with faster “switching speeds”, gadgets and gimmicks and lower selling prices.
As with any other PPE, do your homework in the selection process. Look at different brands and different technologies. Ask lots of questions. Most importantly, ask for samples or “loaners” to try on your job under your working conditions. Many of the inferior brands cite impress performance statistics achieved in a test lab. But they don’t hold up in a harsh welding environment. When evaluating an ADF equipped welding helmet there are some things to consider. There are 3 basic performance characteristics that determine the performance quality of an ADF lens. Anything else is superfluous:
1. Optical quality
2. Switching speed
3. Electronic reliability
Many suppliers have tried to establish switching speed, the amount of time it takes the lens to switch from its light to dark shade, as the most important performance characteristic because that is all they have to offer. The reality is most, if not all ADF’s that meet current standards, switch many times faster than International Standards require. Moreover ADF’s switch too fast for the human eye to see. If you watched 3 brands switch from light to dark you could not tell which one switched faster. And switching from light to dark occurs before welding begins, so what real affect could it have on a welders performance?
You must always consider switching speed in conjunction with switching reliability. The electronic packages utilized to maximize switching speed make those types of ADF’s very unstable. It is important for the lens to switch to its dark shade only in response to a welding arc. Top quality ADF’s use an “intelligent” technology that allows the lens to ignore other light sources and only recognize a welding arc. The high switching speed technology is so sensitive, it results in “nervous” or “trigger happy” lenses that often react to over-head lights, sunlight, other welder’s arcs and switch at inappropriate times.
Optical quality is by far the most important performance characteristic for an ADF lens. A welder must look through his ADF all day long. The optical quality determines his ability to see his work clearly in all stages of the welding process. The top quality brands of ADF’s have superior optical quality that is easy to see while testing a lens. Just as the inferior technology, built for switching speed, is unstable, it also has numerous optical quality problems.
Almost all of the brands that focus on high switching speed technology suffer from “flickering” and “fluttering”. Flickering looks like wavy lines similar to interference in a TV or bad tracking in your VCR. Fluttering is continual and unpredictable switching back and forth from light to dark. Both conditions are very distracting to a welder and result in downtime to try to remedy the condition. These flaws are very obvious during on the job evaluations.
Other optical flaws present in nearly all inferior ADF technologies are mottling (measles like spots when first turned on); tracers (impressions of sparks); shadows (like ghosts on a TV). They cause a great deal of annoyance, discomfort and downtime for a welder. Again these flaws will be very obvious during testing and evaluation. In fact, one ADF supplier provided an instruction that if when you turned the lens on it had a mottled appearance, turn it off and wait a half hour. Built in downtime.
All brands of ADF’s have an optical flaw, called angle dependency, in varying degrees. It usually manifests as light spots in the corners of the lens when viewed from an angle. Recently the Fibre-Metal by Honeywell brand of ADF has introduced an upgraded technology that virtually eliminates the problem with angle dependency no matter the viewing angle.
Only consider ADF helmet brands that come from the factory fully assembled. You do not want to have to spend the time or assume the responsibility for proper assembly. ADF’s are either battery or solar powered. The solar powered lenses draw their energy from the arc. Both power sources work fine but the advantage of the solar powered lenses is that you do not have to replace batteries. ADF’s come in a fixed lens shade, or with the ability to select one of multiple shades. If a welder is a production welder, who uses the same process to weld the same materials, a fixed shade is the proper choice. But if a welder works on various materials, using different processes in the course of his work, the ability to change lens shades without having to change lenses is a huge productivity gain and a selectable shade model is the right one.
Only consider ADF equipped helmets that have all controls inside of the helmet. Many of the low price, low technology brands mount some of the functional controls on the outside of the helmet where they are exposed to harmful sparks and spatter. It only takes a small amount of spatter in a control to render the ADF useless.
The number of light sensors is something that is frequently debated. The notion that “more is better” is a myth. The reality is the number of sensors is electronic technology dependant. If the technology is such that all it needs is one sensor to function, that is fine. If the technology is such that it needs 4 sensors to function, that is fine also. On the job performance is what is important. Not the number of light sensors.
There is value in simplicity. Look for a simple, but functional ADF design with user friendly controls. A light sensitivity control is necessary to adjust for the sensitivity to other sources of light in the work area and a dark to light delay control is useful for some materials and high amperage applications where the weld puddle is still very bright after the welding arc has ceased and for situations where the filter sensors may be temporarily blocked from seeing the welding arc.
Beyond that, additional features are superfluous, a drain on the electronics package and something else to break down. Make sure any ADF’s you consider will be able to function across a wide range of welding applications and processes and can detect low amp TIG arcs. Be leery of any application limitations such as “cannot be used for overhead welding”
A problem with ADF’s is that many are installed in cheap, inferior welding helmets to try to keep the purchase price down. They use things like attractive graphics to mask tissue thin shells made from ordinary materials. But the function of an ADF requires a high quality, robust helmet made from a high performance material. Because an ADF equipped helmet stays in the down position longer, buying decision makers must consider a number of factors. The welding helmet must be sturdy enough to withstand the extra burden put upon it by increased exposure to heat, sparks and spatter for an extended period of time.
The headgear must be capable of anchoring, balancing, and stabilizing the added weight of the ADF in the front of the helmet. The headgears overhead band and position stop adjustments must allow a welder to properly align the ADF with his field of vision to minimize awkward or uncomfortable working positions in order to see through the lens.
Because the helmet remains down longer, smoke and fumes can accumulate within the shell. The helmet design should allow sufficient air circulation to move them out of the welders face. If the air circulation is not sufficient or hazardous fumes are present, the helmet must comfortably accommodate a respirator with appropriate filter. OSHA requires that a welder wear protective spectacles at all times. The helmet design must not interfere with the use of primary eye protection.
The two ADF manufacturers with the highest quality ADF technology are Balder and 3M SPEEDGLASS. Between them they are responsible for most technical advances in ADF design and performance. But because they are primarily lens manufacturers, their welding helmets leave a lot to be desired. However, both produce ADF lenses for top quality Fibre-Metal by Honeywell brand helmets. And that combination of ADF and helmet quality and performance is the one all other ADF equipped welding helmets are compared with and measured by.
So when someone tries to sell you an ADF equipped helmet based on low selling price, high switching speed and graphics, tell them you are more interested in optical quality, electronics reliability and improved productivity.
Look at everything that is available. Use the information in this post as your guide. Try any ADF equipped helmet you are considering on your job, under your working conditions. Compare brands. If you can find a better helmet than the ones we ranked as tops, buy it. An ADF equipped welding helmet is a significant investment. But the ROI in terms of lower injury and insurance costs, increased productivity, enhanced quality of welder work life and improved profitability is real and immediate. In most situations, a company pays off the initial investment in a matter of weeks while the value of the benefits goes on throughout the service life of the helmet.
Make sure any ADF and helmet considered meets current ANSI or appropriate International standards. Selection should be made by or in consultation with a designated Safety official and welding supervisor. Read and follow all instructions and heed all warnings that come with the ADF helmet. Failure to do so could result in serious injury.
Monday, August 23, 2010
A few posts ago we talked about welding helmets and how they protect from welding sparks, spatter and radiant heat. But we left protecting the eyes from a welding arc’s harmful radiation for a separate post. Electric arc welding emits IR/UV radiation and intense visible light. Unprotected from these hazards, both eye damage and discomfort can occur. The PPE for protecting welder’s eyes is filter plates and lenses installed in welding helmets. (Traditionally, the 2” X 4 ¼” rectangles used in welding helmets were called “filter plates” and the 50 MM circles used in goggles were called “filter lenses”. But with the advent of auto darkening, both are generally called “filter lenses” today.)
A filter lens serves two purposes. The first is to diminish the intensity of visible light to a point where there is no glare and the welding area can be clearly seen. The second is to block harmful infrared and ultra-violet radiation coming from the arc. Filter lenses come in a variety of shades which are designated by a number. Many people mistakenly think that the lens shade number corresponds to the amount of protection that is provided to the eyes and the higher the number, the better the protection. Actually, the shade number indicates the degree of visible light provided. The lower the number the lighter the shade; the higher the number the darker the shade.
All filter lenses block 100% of IR/UV regardless of shade number. The filter lens shade number selected depends on the type of work and somewhat on the preference of the welder. Consequently, the filter lens shade number selected must not vary more than two shades from the numbers recommended. A welding filter lens shade should only be selected by a trained welding safety official.
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.133- Eye and face protection, ANSI-Z49-1, and the American Welding Society each publishes a recommended filter shade chart similar to the one below.
Virtually all passive filter lenses are made from polycarbonate. The top quality lenses are injection molded. Molding assures consistency of shading throughout the lens. Avoid filter lenses stamped from sheet stock. Most passive filter lenses cause a welder to see his work in various shades of green. But there are specialty gold plated filter lenses that not only reflect radiant heat and lower the temperature inside a welding helmet, but also allow a welder to see his work in natural colors. They are a good investment in safety and productivity
Always install a clear plastic “cover” plate over top of the filter lens to protect the filter from sparks, spatter and getting scratched. If the welding helmet has a lift-front filter holder, always install an impact resistant, clear, polycarbonate safety lens behind the filter in the body portion of the lens holder as a last line of protection when the filter lens holder lid is lifted. Some welders even install a safety plate behind the filter in helmets with stationary filter holders if there is space to do so.
Remember to always wear approved protective spectacles under a welding helmet at all times. They are your primary eye protection. Welding helmets are classified as secondary eye protection.
Like all PPE, there are differences in quality among filter lens brands. Most welding helmets come from the factory with a filter lens installed and you are better off staying with that same supplier’s brand of replacement filter lens. In general, the top brands of welding helmets can be relied on to provide the best quality filter, safety and cover plates and lenses.
And make sure any filter lens you consider meets the test for transmission of radiant energy prescribed in ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2010, Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection.
KTF disclaims liability for any injury of any nature whatsoever, whether indirect, consequential or compensatory, directly or indirectly resulting from the use of or reliance on this blog post. KTF also makes no guaranty or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information published herein. The selection of any PPE should only be made by responsible safety officials.
A filter lens serves two purposes. The first is to diminish the intensity of visible light to a point where there is no glare and the welding area can be clearly seen. The second is to block harmful infrared and ultra-violet radiation coming from the arc. Filter lenses come in a variety of shades which are designated by a number. Many people mistakenly think that the lens shade number corresponds to the amount of protection that is provided to the eyes and the higher the number, the better the protection. Actually, the shade number indicates the degree of visible light provided. The lower the number the lighter the shade; the higher the number the darker the shade.
All filter lenses block 100% of IR/UV regardless of shade number. The filter lens shade number selected depends on the type of work and somewhat on the preference of the welder. Consequently, the filter lens shade number selected must not vary more than two shades from the numbers recommended. A welding filter lens shade should only be selected by a trained welding safety official.
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.133- Eye and face protection, ANSI-Z49-1, and the American Welding Society each publishes a recommended filter shade chart similar to the one below.
Virtually all passive filter lenses are made from polycarbonate. The top quality lenses are injection molded. Molding assures consistency of shading throughout the lens. Avoid filter lenses stamped from sheet stock. Most passive filter lenses cause a welder to see his work in various shades of green. But there are specialty gold plated filter lenses that not only reflect radiant heat and lower the temperature inside a welding helmet, but also allow a welder to see his work in natural colors. They are a good investment in safety and productivity
Always install a clear plastic “cover” plate over top of the filter lens to protect the filter from sparks, spatter and getting scratched. If the welding helmet has a lift-front filter holder, always install an impact resistant, clear, polycarbonate safety lens behind the filter in the body portion of the lens holder as a last line of protection when the filter lens holder lid is lifted. Some welders even install a safety plate behind the filter in helmets with stationary filter holders if there is space to do so.
Remember to always wear approved protective spectacles under a welding helmet at all times. They are your primary eye protection. Welding helmets are classified as secondary eye protection.
Like all PPE, there are differences in quality among filter lens brands. Most welding helmets come from the factory with a filter lens installed and you are better off staying with that same supplier’s brand of replacement filter lens. In general, the top brands of welding helmets can be relied on to provide the best quality filter, safety and cover plates and lenses.
And make sure any filter lens you consider meets the test for transmission of radiant energy prescribed in ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2010, Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection.
KTF disclaims liability for any injury of any nature whatsoever, whether indirect, consequential or compensatory, directly or indirectly resulting from the use of or reliance on this blog post. KTF also makes no guaranty or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information published herein. The selection of any PPE should only be made by responsible safety officials.
Monday, June 28, 2010
The over-arching core message of this blog is "quality improvement". If you are going to reduce injuries, lower injury costs, improve worker comfort and the quality of work life, increase productivity, and in the process, increase profitability, you must improve the quality of your PPE program.
Our message suggests that you must upgrade the quality of PPE products used, improve the quality of your PPE evaluation process and buying decision, improve your level of PPE knowledge, and improve the quality of your source of supply in order to receive full value for your PPE investment.
A question we are frequently asked is "OK, but how do you determine quality"? It is a fair question and the first several messages of this blog address that issue. With so many products on the market, all claiming some degree of "quality", how do you sort them all out, where do you begin?. Compliance to acknowledged Standards if where most potential buyers start. But it is easy to "claim" compliance with Standards. If a manufacturer just does internal testing, isn't that a little like marking your own report card?
Fortunately, there is an alternative; independent, third party certification. The Safety Equipment Institute (SEI) does just that and does it well. Consider the following from their website:
"The Safety Equipment Institute (SEI) is a private, non-profit organization that administers a non-governmental, third-party certification program and tests and certifies a broad range of safety and protective products.
The SEI certification programs include annual product testing of all certified safety and protective equipment product models as well as annual quality assurance audits conducted at the manufacturer’s facility.
Both compliance testing and quality assurance audits are repeated at regular intervals to maintain certification. The manufacturer submits to on-going scrutiny of their products and processes by independent third-parties and agrees to recall non-conforming products.
Another important benefit of SEI certification is the additional assurance granted to purchasers and users of safety products. It means products bearing the SEI mark have been manufactured to meet the level of quality and performance of the most current comprehensive standards existing for the product.
While SEI does not assume responsibility for product performance, SEI's certification mark indicates that the manufacturer is concerned and responsible, and that the model for that product has met the recognized standards for testing and quality assurance."
PPE products do not have to bear the SEI mark to show that they comply with Standards and that their manufacturer has a Quality Assurance Program, but when they do, they show that the manufacturer has gone above and beyond what is required. So narrowing your buying decision to those products with SEI Certification is a good place to start.
Our message suggests that you must upgrade the quality of PPE products used, improve the quality of your PPE evaluation process and buying decision, improve your level of PPE knowledge, and improve the quality of your source of supply in order to receive full value for your PPE investment.
A question we are frequently asked is "OK, but how do you determine quality"? It is a fair question and the first several messages of this blog address that issue. With so many products on the market, all claiming some degree of "quality", how do you sort them all out, where do you begin?. Compliance to acknowledged Standards if where most potential buyers start. But it is easy to "claim" compliance with Standards. If a manufacturer just does internal testing, isn't that a little like marking your own report card?
Fortunately, there is an alternative; independent, third party certification. The Safety Equipment Institute (SEI) does just that and does it well. Consider the following from their website:
"The Safety Equipment Institute (SEI) is a private, non-profit organization that administers a non-governmental, third-party certification program and tests and certifies a broad range of safety and protective products.
The SEI certification programs include annual product testing of all certified safety and protective equipment product models as well as annual quality assurance audits conducted at the manufacturer’s facility.
Both compliance testing and quality assurance audits are repeated at regular intervals to maintain certification. The manufacturer submits to on-going scrutiny of their products and processes by independent third-parties and agrees to recall non-conforming products.
Another important benefit of SEI certification is the additional assurance granted to purchasers and users of safety products. It means products bearing the SEI mark have been manufactured to meet the level of quality and performance of the most current comprehensive standards existing for the product.
While SEI does not assume responsibility for product performance, SEI's certification mark indicates that the manufacturer is concerned and responsible, and that the model for that product has met the recognized standards for testing and quality assurance."
PPE products do not have to bear the SEI mark to show that they comply with Standards and that their manufacturer has a Quality Assurance Program, but when they do, they show that the manufacturer has gone above and beyond what is required. So narrowing your buying decision to those products with SEI Certification is a good place to start.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Our next post was going to be on filter lenses, but as the temperature rises in most parts of the country, outdoor work is increasing so we turned our attention to PPE for outdoor and temperature extreme hazards first. The hot summer months pose special hazards for outdoor workers who must be protected against heat, exposure to the sun, insect bites and stings and poisonous plants.
It has long been known that the combination of heat and humidity can be a serious health threat during the summer months. OSHA and NIOSH suggest a number of administrative steps that should be taken to mitigate exposure. But they barely mention using PPE as the first and last line of defense. That is because it is not well known that specialized PPE for heat exposure exists.
Sun burn, illness from insect bites and skin infections caused by poisonous plants are now recordable injuries and illnesses. Little is known about the existence of specialized PPE for those hazards either. That is probably because only one PPE manufacturer that we are aware of has focused on protection from the hazards of extreme heat and working outdoors. The Fibre-Metal Products Company (now a brand by Honeywell) began by modifying their leading products for an extra margin of protection outdoors. Then they augmented their core product line with the “best of the best” products available from skin protection specialists to put together a full line of top quality PPE specifically for protection from heat and the elements.
Let’s begin with heat. When employees work in extreme hot and humid conditions, heat stress can result in dehydration, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. All of which are serious medical emergencies. Heat can also cause heat fatigue which causes inattentiveness and slow reflexes and can lead to an accident. Because concentration is compromised, a workers sweaty hands are more likely to drop tools and materials from above creating risks on the ground. They also work slower and make more mistakes which affects productivity.
For indoor work, OSHA dictates that “hazards should be engineered out of the work place wherever possible” but that is not always possible. For outdoor work, they dictate that “exposure to high heat should be limited” but that is not always possible either. In addition to the administrative functions of providing water on a regular basis; providing frequent breaks, and providing a shaded, cool place to rest and recover, PPE can and should be used to protect from excessive heat.
Heat–related illness does not affect only those who work outdoors. Many workers, such as those in bakeries, foundries, laundries, or factories which use furnaces or steam, are exposed to heat dangers year round. Also, many warehouses can seem like saunas when the temperatures soar.
The body’s natural cooling system, evaporative cooling, takes place when sweat evaporates on the skin. Specially designed headbands, head covers, and neck bands, using a unique material, extend the bodies cooling system to provide additional cooling relief from the heat. Water activated headband provides cooling at three levels. Used as a regular sweatband, it absorbs perspiration which cools through evaporation. Soak in water for less than 5 minutes and it becomes a cooling headband. Soak and refrigerate for the ultimate cooling experience. Unique composite material absorbs and cools without the use of slow activating beads, crystals or gels.
Water activated neck wrap helps manage body temperature by providing cooling at the pulse points in the neck. Designed to fit comfortably around the neck they lay flat with no “plumping” or additional weight. The hotter it is, the faster the evaporation, the greater the cooling effect. Can be run under cold tap water to recharge. A lot of companies keep a cooler with ice and water to soak and recharge the cooling products so that workers can always have a fresh one handy.
Spending long hours in direct sunlight also puts the worker at risk for injury and illness associated with excessive sun and UV exposure. Workers who spend a lot of time outdoors should take special precautions against sun burn and skin cancer by using sun screen and wearing PPE designed to block the sun’s rays. Extended sun exposure can also be harmful to the eyes, leading to cataracts. Protective glasses and faceshields that shade the eyes can lessen this risk.
Sweat proof, waterproof, oil-free, perfume free PABA-free, broad spectrum SPF-25 sunscreen reduces the risk of sunburn, premature aging of the skin and skin cancer. Convenient 10ML individual packets assure the right amount while eliminating costly waste, Sturdy packets fit easily is shirt pockets, tool boxes and first aid kits. Outdoor workers far prefer individual pouches to messy bottles. Sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours.
Outdoor workers should wear a wide-brim hat to protect the neck, ears, eyes, forehead, nose, and scalp from the sun. A hard hat with a 360-degree brim is the most effective. If the wide brim does not provide enough protection, brim extenders can be added. Make sure any brim extender you use is one piece, see through and provides protection from glare. The Fibre-Metal by Honeywell full brim hat with its patented SWINGSTRAP is the only full brim hat that also provides a full sweatband that adds evaporative cooling relief. Protection can be enhanced by the addition of lightweight cotton sunshields that block up to 99% of the sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays from the neck and sides of the face. They can be easily attached to the hats with Velcro tabs.
Outdoor workers eyes need to be protected from glare and the suns rays but they must be able to see to be safe and productive. Most brand faceshields and spectacles protect from glare and rays but they limit vision. Workers cannot see colors. The Fibre-Metal by Honeywell brand of faceshield windows are available in a unique "True-View" gray tint material that allows full color recognition for working with color-coated wiring and recognizing traffic signals. Whatever brand faceshield you select, make sure that it provides full color recognition. The same for protective spectacles.
Depending on the location, outdoor workers will often be exposed to potentially dangerous insects and plants. Exposure to West Nile virus from mosquito bites, Lyme disease, and other tick–born diseases is not uncommon for outdoor workers in some parts of the country. These diseases can have serious health consequences. In addition, outdoor workers should be careful of the plants they come in contact with. Plants such as poison ivy and poison oak can cause rashes and irritation. Each year, these plants cause almost two million cases of dermatitis. One major contractor had 30% of its work force out from poison ivy after a site clearing project.
Effective insect repellents are available. Those that contain DEET are the most effective but make sure you only use a product with an approved EPA registered formula. The CDC called for a reduction in the percentage of DEET used in insect repellants. Approved EPA formulas allows the DEET to be released in a more controlled and measured manner, permitting longer lasting performance once obtained only by high concentration of DEET.
Use a water base formula that is non-greasy, non-staining, low odor, water and sweat resistant. Again individual towelettes are the preferred delivery system for workers. The brand shown, Bug X 30, is EPA registered in all 50 states plus Health Canada and Mexico .Bug X 30 Insect Repellent with DEET is effective for 7+ hours against: Mosquitoes, ticks, chiggers, fleas gnats, red bugs, no-see-ums, sand fleas biting flies deer flies stable flies and black flies.
Barrier creams and post contact skin cleansers are the PPE of choice for protection from poisonous plants. Barrier creams, like Ivy X Pre-Contact Skin Barrier, form an invisible barrier to help protect against poisonous plant oils (Urushiol) commonly found in Poison Ivy, Poison Oak and Poison Sumac. Look for a barrier cream that dries quickly, is not greasy, sticky or clay like, is sweat resistant and washes off with soap and water. Most importantly, chose a brand that requires no waiting after application. Some lesser brands require that you wait 15 to 20 minutes before entering the work area. Individual towelletes make field application easier. Ivy X Pre-Contact Skin Barrier is water and sweat resistant, is almost unnoticeable on the skin and washes off with soap and water. The packaging options (towelettes, bottles and sprays) allows for a compliant and affordable skin care program to help in poisonous plant protection.
If workers are exposed to poisonous plants, skin cleansers, like Ivy X Post-Contact Skin Cleanser is effective in assisting in the removal of the poisonous plant oils (Urushiol) found in Poison Ivy, Poison Oak and Poison Sumac. Standard soap and water will not emulsify poisonous plant oils. Ivy X Post-Contact Skin Cleanser is designed to be “Wetter than Water” to start the emulsifying process to assist in removing plant oils before they have time to cause the uncomfortable rash, blisters and itching commonly associated with poisonous plants. Towelettes, make clean-up and protection simple. They can also be used to clean contaminated tools and equipment before reuse.
So you see there is specialized PPE available for protection from the hazards of working outdoors. There are a number of suppliers who may provide a single item, but only North by Honeywell, having enhanced and expanded the original Fibre-Metal offering, can provide a full line of outdoor PPE from a single source.
Monday, April 19, 2010

Shell design refers to the size and shape of the helmet body known as the "shell". In face and eye protection, the goal of PPE is to erect a barrier between the wearers face and eyes and the hazards of the job. Therefore, a welding helmet should cover as much of the exposed area as possible to protect from the sparks, spatter, fumes and smoke produced by electric arc welding processes. In addition, the bottom of the shell should extend far enough to protect the throat area and the crown should be designed to cover as much as the head as possible while allowing smoke and fumes to escape out of the top.
Shell material is the raw material the helmet shell is molded from. Low priced helmet suppliers try to convince you that all welding helmets are alike. In reality, when it comes to material, that is partially true. All brands of welding helmets, except one, are molded from NYLON or a lesser material. Only one brand, Fibre-Metal by Honeywell, is molded from engineering grade thermoplastics called NORYL and AMODEL. NORYL and AMODEL are superior to NYLON and lesser materials in every performance characteristic related to welding. The Fibre-Metal Products Company invented the welding helmet and pioneered the use of lightweight thermoplastic materials.
It took their competitors years to try to duplicate the Fibre-Metal thermoplastic helmet and when they discovered they couldn't improve on it or even duplicate it, they tried to produce a lower priced version. NYLON is a low cost, easy to design molds for, easy to run material. If the goal is low price, it is the right material. On the other hand, NORYL and AMODEL are high quality materials requiring complex molds and molding techniques to produce high performance welding helmets . As each new competitor entered the market, they couldn't produce a better helmet so they settled for a cheaper helmet.
What does all of that mean to you? NORYL and AMODEL welding helmets outlast NYLON helmets by two to one. You get a much better return on your investment which helps your bottom line. They are extremely lightweight without being flimsy. Most NYLON helmets achieve their lightweight with thin, flimsy shells that are subject to burn through from spatter and simply can't hold up in a harsh welding environment.
NORYL and AMODEL welding helmets have no application restrictions. NYLON helmets warn that they can't be used for overhead welding thereby limiting their use. NORY and AMODEL helmets color is molded-in, NYLON must be painted. Painting adds to the cost and easily chips, peels, and flakes in use.
Filter holder, also known as the "glass" holder or "plate" holder is the part of the welding helmet that holds a filter plate. In addition to the risk of direct injury from sparks and spatter, welding produces harmful rays that can cause severe injury. To protect the welder, the radiation must be attenuated to acceptable levels by shaded filter plates. To begin with, the helmet must be designed so that the filter holder is positioned properly in the shell. It must allow the welder to see without having to assume an awkward working position that can put strain on his neck, shoulders and back. Next it must be molded as an integral part of the shell. Poor design, especially poor mold design, along with an inferior material and molding produces weak spots around the filter holder. Poor design or molding on the outside results in cracks that cause harmful light leak; poor design and molding on the inside results in a "halo" effect of harmful light. Both conditions can cause injury and distract a welder reducing productivity. Ease of installing the required cover/filter/safety plate package is also an important consideration.
(Filter devices, both passive and auto darkening, will be the subject of a separate post)
Headgear, the headgear is the only part of a welding helmet that comes in contact with a welder's body. It needs to hold the helmet on the wearers head comfortably but securely; it needs to balance and stabilize the helmets weight; it needs to position the shell and filter plate in the right position and as close to the wearers eyes as possible; it needs to have multiple adjustments for an individual fit and feel; and it needs to be sturdy enough to stand up to a welding environment. Below is an illustration of the headgear welders prefer over all others:

The design of this headgear is unlike any other, Compare the headgear in any helmet you consider with this one. If it has more to offer, buy it. If not, you cannot go wrong with welding helmets equipped with the Fibre-Metal by Honeywell brand headgear.
During day-to-day use, a welding helmet is lifted up in a "rest" position and then nodded down to the work position many times a day. A feature that is often over looked while evaluating helmets is the mechanism that controls that function. It is called a "friction joint" and it is an important part of the welding helmet functionality. You want a friction control with a knurled knob that can be griped with a gloved hand. You want it to turn easily and hold firmly. You want a simple design with a minimum number of parts. The friction joints in the illustrations are as good as they get. Again, compare.
Working in conjunction with the friction joint is a "position stop". The position stop determines the working position when the helmet is nodded into place. It is also an integral part of positioning the filter holder in front of the eyes, along with the overhead band in the headgear. Make sure the helmet you select has all of those adjustments and that they work well.
Accessories should be available. Headbands go a long way in providing comfort throughout the work day. Welding helmets should come with a quality headband installed. There should also be a wide selection of replacement heads available for individual preference.
In summary, when you evaluate welding helmets, look for:
1. Unique, functional designs
2. Made from exclusive, engineering grade materials
3. Industry’s user preferred headgears
4. Numerous adjustments for comfort and proper viewing position
5. Can be combined with protective caps
6. Ship with filter plates installed
7. Meets or exceeds ANSI Z87.1
8. SEI Certified
Use the information in this post and its illustrations as the choice criteria for your buying decision. Compare any brand you may be considering with what you see here. If you can buy something better - do it. But if what you are looking at doesn't have everything you see here, you can and should do better.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
(First, I'd like to apologize for the gap in posts. Technical difficulties on our end have prevented us from posting)
Many jobs that require face and eye protection also require head protection. Being able to safely and comfortably combine those PPE devices is important to a PPE Program.
ANSI Standards do not cover PPE combination devices or the combined product. The standards only say that "combining PPE shall not adversely affect the protective performance of the products being combined". A combination device should have:
1. A simple design
2. A minimum number of parts
3. A secure but comfortable fit
4. Easy and quick engage and disengage
There are four methods of combining faceshields and protective caps:
1. Blocks and cups or posts
2. Slots and blades
3. Mounting loops
4. Peak mount
Slots and blades are the most dangerous method of combining PPE. (See post of 10/13/09 "Head Protection Design is Critical" to see the risks associated with slots in protective caps). They are also the most cumbersome to engage and disengage and the least secure combination because of the possibility of the blades not seating securely in the slots. A separate but related issue is all cap brands that use mounting slots also have reinforcing ribs, ribs and protrusions in the shell that cause the faceshield to bind when the wearer tries to lift it to a rest position.

A. It is the only mounting loop that can be adjusted to the exact contour of the caps.
B. It has no metal parts so caps maintain ANSI electrical protection rating
C. It has unique deep cut notches in the brim tabs to firmly and securely grip the caps brim.
D. It is easily and quickly mounted and dismounted without having to remove the cap

These problems create a need for something to:
1. Anchor the combined product
2. Distribute the weight
3. Balance and stabilze the product
4. Hold both components in the proper position
5. Provide adjustments for various wearing positions and activity levels
1. Anchor the combined product
2. Distribute the weight
3. Balance and stabilze the product
4. Hold both components in the proper position
5. Provide adjustments for various wearing positions and activity levels
The final method of combining a faceshield with a protective cap is with a cap peak mount device like those shown above. This method is used when there is a need for a perfect seal between the faceshield and the cap to keep dust, dirt and debris from filtering in where the devices come together. Many face and eye injuries today are not caused by high impact, blow through accidents, they are caused by small particles filtering through seams and gaps in the face protection.
The peak mount faceshields shown above are Fibre-Metal by Honeywell brand products that were specifically designed for a major shipyard that was having a lot of eye injuries caused by small metal particles and dust from grinding welds on the hulls of ships. The design and degree of protection is unique:
1. Dual channel design
2. One channel is perfectly contoured to the shape of the caps peak
3. The second holds the window and snaps down and locks over the peak channel
4. The result is a perfect seal between faceshield and cap
5. When not needed, smooth action pivot joint allows window to be lifted and locked in a rest position without having to remove the protective cap
6. The mounting brackets contain no metal parts and are full dielectric
1. Dual channel design
2. One channel is perfectly contoured to the shape of the caps peak
3. The second holds the window and snaps down and locks over the peak channel
4. The result is a perfect seal between faceshield and cap
5. When not needed, smooth action pivot joint allows window to be lifted and locked in a rest position without having to remove the protective cap
6. The mounting brackets contain no metal parts and are full dielectric
These are the factors that should be taken into consideration when evaluating the brand, style and model of PPE that is most appropriate for your combined PPE needs. The are many brands on the market. Compare what U see here with what you are using or considering. If you can do better, do it. But if what you see here gives you some new ideas, and makes you aware that there is something different and better, use it to your advantage.
Most importantly, remember that any combination of PPE is only as good as the quality of the components being combined. The combination device adds nothing to the protective capacity of the components. It merely holds the two devices together. The combination device cannot improve performance but it can detract from it. To get a quality faceshield/protective cap combination, you must use only the highest quality faceshields and protective caps.
Make sure that your protective cap has the features and adjustments to anchor, balance and stabilize the added weight of the faceshield. Make sure it has a smooth crown so that the faceshield doesn't bind when lifted. In fact, make sure your protective cap can deliver all of the things needed in a combination that are listed in this post.
And make sure the faceshields you use are of the quality and performance detailed in our prior post.
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