Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Before long it will start to get cold in many parts of the country. Protection from the cold is a high priority with OSHA and NIOSH. Frostbite and other cold related conditions are considered recordable injuries by OSHA. As usual, engineering and administrative means are the preferred methods of limiting exposure to the cold, but specialized PPE often provides the first and last line of defense against the elements.

In addition to the hazard of direct injury from the cold, workers become sluggish, and distracted which puts them at risk for other injuries. Productivity also suffers when employees are exposed to temperature extremes. My four page article reprint, detailing the hazards of a cold working environment, is available free of charge by emailing your request to and using "PPE for Winter" as the subject line.

Taking time to become acclimated, limiting exposure to short intervals, and "layering" clothing to maximize warmth are all important to protect from the cold. But appropriate hand, foot and head protection are equally as important. Protective gloves, boots and shoes, insulated to protect from the cold are well know PPE devices. But what not be as well known are the protective cap winter liners, neck warmers, vests and other products equipped with pockets for warming devices.

The air activated warming packets provide warmth all shift long in most work environments. In addition to being inserted in the PPE specially designed for them, the warming packets can be dropped in boots, placed in gloves and clothing pockets for an extra margin of protection from the cold.

Now is the time to check into what PPE is available for protection from the hazards of cold weather and cold working environments. Make sure you check everything before you decide and then get it in stock before the first cold snap or snow storm. The return on your investment will be lower injury costs, higher productivity, and better morale.

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